Planning – Application Comments

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PL/2018/01057/PPRM | Erection of 170 residential dwellings with parking, internal access roads, landscaping and all other details required by condition No. 3 relating to the reserved matters of layout, scale, appearance and landscaping pursuant to planning permission reference PL/2016/00863/MAOOT. | Blythe Valley Park Blythe Gate Shirley Solihull Approved
Thu 12 Apr 2018
Mon 16 Apr 2018
Wed 09 May 2018
Recommendation and/or Committee
Committee: Wed 11 Jul 2018
Fri 13 Jul 2018

Your comments wil not appear on the internet as a matter of course, but on request will be shared with others in order to balance openness and transparency of the decision making process. For further information please contact the relevant Case Officer. Please note that we do not engage in correspondence with third parties, however be assured all representations will be taken into account during the decision making process.

All comments received during the 21 day formal consultation will be taken into account. Development Management endeavor to take into account any correspondence received after this time up until the decision is made.

Comments may not be submitted at this time.

The consultation period for this application has ended.

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