
Reference PL/2010/01307/INV
Alternative Reference Not Available
Application Received Wed 11 Aug 2010
Application Validated Wed 11 Aug 2010
Address 14 Leys Lane Meriden CV7 7LQ
Proposal Reduce all branches by 4 metres to dead oak tree in rear arden.
Status Unknown
Decision Withdrawn
Decision Issued Date Thu 12 Aug 2010
Appeal Status Not Available
Appeal Decision Not Available

Further Information

Application Type Invalid
Decision Withdrawn
Actual Decision Level Not Available
Expected Decision Level Not Available
Parish Meriden Parish Council
Ward Meriden
District Reference Not Available
Applicant Name Mr R Power
Applicant Address 14 Leys Lane Meriden Coventry CV7 7LQ
Environmental Assessment Requested No


Ward Councillors

Councillor Andrew Burrow

Address C/O Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council Council House Manor Square Solihull B91 3QB

Councillor Heather Delaney

Address C/O Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council Council House Manor Square Solihull B91 3QB

Councillor Tony Dicicco

Address C/O Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council Council House Manor Square Solihull B91 3QB

Important Dates

Application Received Date Wed 11 Aug 2010
Application Validated Date Wed 11 Aug 2010
Expiry Date Not Available
Actual Committee Date Not Available
Latest Neighbour Consultation Date Not Available
Neighbour Consultation Expiry Date Not Available
Standard Consultation Date Not Available
Standard Consultation Expiry Date Not Available
Last Advertised In Press Date Not Available
Latest Advertisement Expiry Date Not Available
Last Site Notice Posted Date Not Available
Latest Site Notice Expiry Date Not Available
Agreed Expiry Date Not Available
Decision Made Date Thu 12 Aug 2010
Decision Issued Date Thu 12 Aug 2010
Permission Expiry Date Not Available
Decision Printed Date Thu 12 Aug 2010
Environmental Impact Assessment Received Not Available
Determination Deadline Not Available
Temporary Permission Expiry Date Not Available

Related Information

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There is 1 property associated with this application.