Planning – Application Summary

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PL/2024/00598/PPOL | Outline planning permission is sought with all matters reserved for future determination, save for the means of access via Stratford Road and Dog Kennel Lane for: up to 550 dwellings (comprising use Classes C3 and C2), public open spaces and children's play areas, ecological habitats, sustainable drainage features, walking and cycle routes, highway improvements, and ancillary works. | Land South Of Dog Kennel Lane Shirley Solihull
Thu 28 Mar 2024
Tue 09 Apr 2024
Wed 19 Jun 2024
Recommendation and/or Committee
Reference PL/2024/00598/PPOL
Alternative Reference PP-12749947
Application Received Thu 28 Mar 2024
Application Validated Tue 09 Apr 2024
Address Land South Of Dog Kennel Lane Shirley Solihull
Proposal Outline planning permission is sought with all matters reserved for future determination, save for the means of access via Stratford Road and Dog Kennel Lane for: up to 550 dwellings (comprising use Classes C3 and C2), public open spaces and children's play areas, ecological habitats, sustainable drainage features, walking and cycle routes, highway improvements, and ancillary works.
Status Awaiting decision
Appeal Status Not Available
Appeal Decision Not Available

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